The Five-Eyed Bookworm

Eclectic Reader. Lover of beautiful book covers.

Notable Quotes: The Light Between Oceans


The Light Between Oceans is a timeless, heartbreaking and deeply-moving novel about good people who thrust themselves into a world of confusion, despair and tragedy because of their bad decisions, and who try to redeem themselves at the cost of their loved one’s trust and loyalty. What bores into our minds and hearts is the uncertainty of how far they would protect each other and to what extent. This results in a novel that is both thought-provoking and suspenseful, making you want to turn the pages, demanding your full attention… READ THE REST OF MY REVIEW

Author: 5eyedbookworm

Eclectic reader. Lover of beautiful book covers and stories of lasting interest.

2 thoughts on “Notable Quotes: The Light Between Oceans

  1. Sounds like a lot of good advice there :)


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